3.6. Project Options: Index pages

Index pages contain tables with thumbnails linked to full-size images.

File name field contains file name of the first index page. For most web servers index.html is the most appropriate one.

Navigation links part contains settings for customizing navigation bars used on index pages. By default there are four navigation elements:


First page links to the previous index page.
Previous total number of images
Next links to the next index page.
Last links to the last index page in the list.


Note! Inappropriate links are omitted, i.e. there is no "First" or "Previous" link on the first page.

Clicking Advanced button brings up a dialog window where you can add one more link: Home - by default links to the root directory of your site, but you can manually enter any web-address for this link.

In this window you can also change images used to display navigation buttons and text labels, which pop up when you point to a navigation button.


Hint: if you want to have text-only navigation links, remove image names from the corresponding fields.

Background part lets you select a background image for your gallery or specify a background color (default background color depends on the style you have selected).

Text colors button is used to control colors of body text and hyperlinks (you may even specify individual custom colors for visited and active hyperlinks).

Users with knowledge of HTML can modify source code of their pages by pressing HTML Template button. This will open the source of a template used to create index pages. Layout of the pages can be modified using standard HTML tags. There are also a few special macro-tags that can be used to alter the content of pages:


<#etcShortTitle> short title of image (you can specify short title for each image on the page 2. Adding Images)
<#etcLongTitle> long title of image (you can specify long title for each image on the page 2. Adding images)
<#etcIndexIndex> index page number
<#etcIndexCount> total number of index pages
<#etcIndexPageTitle> insert text entered in Page Title field.
<#etcIndexPageBody> apply background and text color properties specified in the corresponding fields of this section. We highly recommend to use this macro-tag instead of <body> tag in your HTML templates.
<#etcIndexTable> insert index table with thumbnails linked to full-size images.
<#etcTopNavLinks> insert navigation buttons (this macro works only if Navigation Links => Top checkbox is checked).
<#etcBottomNavLinks> insert navigation buttons (this macro works only if Navigation Links => Bottom checkbox is checked).
<#etcNavLinks> insert navigation buttons (this macro works in any case).
<#etcImageIndex> image number
<#etcImageCount> total number of images
<#etcImageSize> dimensions of the corresponding full-size image
<#etcImageFileName> file name without extension of the corresponding full-size image
<#etcImageFileName> file name of the corresponding full-size image
<#etcImageFileSize> file size of the corresponding full-size image

Next step: 3.7. Image Pages